Extended Social Interaction
It is a feature that transforms one-way TV broadcasts into interactive ones. It is possible for viewers to interact directly with the show's hosts and producers.
Fun InteractionEven interactions can take place between the audiences. Through Extended Social Interactions, TV shows will come alive with the emergence of dynamics that commonly occur in social media.
ARENA.id is part of the Sebangsa Network, collaborating with TVRI to provide Extended Social Interaction (ExSi) on TVRI programs.
The signing of the agreement was represented by Mr. Apni Jaya Putra as Director of Program and News and
Sebangsa Network represented by Arif Medianto as President Director.
Also present at the signing, the Founder and Co-CE0 Sebangsa Network, Mrs. Indira B. Widjonarko.
Source : Sebangsa Network News