Community Social Marketplace PlatformSebangsa.com is a social marketplace platform that can be used by companies or large-scale organizations to form communities among their constituents. The aim is to help groups in the community to interact, carry out activities and work together for business projects or social missions without being constrained by organizational structures.
Generally, marketplace activities are aimed solely at profit, while social marketplace in Sebangsa (Bazar Senggol) activities and actions are aimed at creating intimacy between members and give benefits for the community.
Senggolan (The Nudge) is a fun and useful online activity from each community that culminates in real action.
Based on our survey, about 90% of activities in a community can be represented by 17 categories of Senggolan (The Nudge), namely Events, Donations, Online Classes, Speeches, Info, Find Volunteers, Find Members, Projects, Support, Network of Contacts, Job Vacancies, Surveys, Loans, Barter, Competition, Matchmaking, and Buy and Sell.

Senggolan Akbar is a collection of Senggolan (The Nudge) made by a verified community, in which Sebangsa users can see even though they have not joined the community.

As a Platform to Manage Your Community
Find various features that make it easy for Activists or Organizers to manage a community or group, from assigning titles in accordance to the organization, to forming multi-chat rooms with an unlimited number of members, billboards for event announcements, areas for uploading material and documentation files, to surveys for polls.
As Your Community Site Domain
Each Community in Sebangsa will get its own website URL, so that it can function as its’ community website: sebangsa.com/+CommunityName

Actualizing the
Indonesian Community Ecosystem